The importance of the primary teeth for the development of healthy, functional permanent teeth can hardly be overestimated. Baby teeth are much more than just “throw away” placeholders. Their premature loss can fundamentally disturb growth of the jaws and permanent dentition. This is why baby teeth need the same amount of attention and care as adult teeth.

The first visit at the dentist

During those crucial first or first few appointments, we make our smallest patients the special centers of our attention. Nothing even remotely unpleasant will happen during the first visit – we will not perform any treatments, but simply go through the moves of a normal dental check-up and have a quick look at health and development of your child’s teeth. We will demonstrate and explain the functions of the dentist’s chair and instruments and make sure our little patients understand what is going on and that there is no cause for concern. Based on the results of this initial examination we will devise a prophylaxis and treatment plan that will – together with responsible home care – lay the grounds for your child’s lasting dental health.

For children, insurances cover regular prophylaxis appointments!

If developed early, good habits will likely continue through life effortlessly. This is true for thorough daily home dental care, and also for regular oral hygiene and prophylaxis appointments at the dental office. Grownups must pay for those visits out of their own pockets. By covering regular prophylactic appointments for children, insurances have demonstrated that they understand the special importance of early prophylaxis. Please have your child take this opportunity for a relaxed, maybe even a little bit inquisitive encounter with the goings-on at the dental office! In a friendly, fun atmosphere, our dental hygienist will practice efficient brushing techniques with the little patient, and top the visit off with a nice polishing and fluoridation of the teeth.

Don’t miss this valuable chance for your child to develop a confident, fearless attitude toward the dentist! Another offer specifically tailored for children is fissure sealing: The molars of the primary dentition tend to have many small pits and fissures that are at a high risk of developing caries despite good hygiene habits. Sealing those fissures with a liquid composite filler is completely painless, takes only a couple of minutes and keeps baby molars healthy … and the dentist’s drill away.


Painless treatment

When baby teeth develop cavities, they need treatment, too. Don’t let it slide: Sparing the drill is not an option. We understand that every child will be at least a little bit apprehensive when it comes to cavity treatment, and we will make sure our little patients have no reason to “clench their teeth” during the procedure. Depending on the scope of the necessary measures, relaxation techniques, anxiety-reducing medication suitable for children, local anaesthetics or paediatric anaesthesia can spare your child the experience of stress or pain. Even the unpleasant prick of the syringe that delivers the anaesthetic (for little ones with an ultra-fine cannula) will be numbed to insignificance by first treating the injection site with an anaesthesizing gel that has a pleasant taste to boot.

And of course there is always our treasure chest: After the treatment is complete, brave little patients may pick a little toy or gift as a reward. A visit to the dentist doesn’t have to be accompanied by fear and pain! Our friendly, attentive staff will always make sure regular check-up and prophylaxis appointments are relaxed and engaging, necessary treatments painless and efficient – so your child will come to the dentist without fear, and maybe even look forward to the visit.